Save the date: 40 Square holding informational meeting

40 Square Cooperative Solutions has announced its Informational Meeting, in lieu of an annual meeting, will move to a virtual format due to COVID-19 gathering restrictions. The virtual Informational Meeting will review the activities and operations of calendar year 2019 and give an overview of 2020 as we move into 2021.

“While we typically like to hold our annual meetings earlier in the year, the pandemic has pushed it back a bit. Our board decided at this time it would be safest for everyone involved if we held our meeting virtually this year,” 40 Square Chair Robby Gieseke said. “We’ve held board meetings virtually for several months now and feel we can make our 2019 Informational Meeting a great event despite not being able to meet in-person.”

The virtual event is free and begins Thursday, Dec. 10 at 6 p.m. with a Cooperative Solutions Special Meeting to tabulate ballots for directors of the co-op and Health Plan Trust, followed by the Informational Meeting at 7 p.m., with the Health Plan Trust Annual Meeting to follow. Ballots for electing directors of the co-op and Health Plan Trust will be mailed out soon. Please note: Because of ongoing gathering restrictions, 40 Square is unable to confirm a quorum and is legally prevented from holding a formal annual meeting, which has been postponed since March.

“Despite this complication, we feel it is still important that our membership continued to be informed on how the co-op and health plan are doing,” 40 Square Executive Director Char Vrieze said. “The information we will provide during this meeting will be the exact same information provided at an annual meeting.”

Members will be able to join by computer, phone or mobile device. A link and dial-in information, along with a full agenda can be found below. Please RSVP to or call 844-205-9579 by Thursday, December 3 to ensure we have enough virtual and telephone lines available.

Back by popular demand, 40 Square chief actuary Paul Fallisi of Windsor Strategy Partners will once again deliver the keynote address during the Health Plan Trust portion of the meeting.

“We know this isn’t an ideal situation, but we’re excited to still have the ability to communicate and discuss with our members the progress we made in 2019 and 2020, along with our vision for 2021,” 40 Square Executive Director Char Vrieze said.



Log-in information:

Join by Phone or Mobile Device

PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Join by Telephone: 773-231-9226

Participant Code: 894-038-912